Angel Investing | Business Funding | Crowdfunding | Startups

The Funding Finish Line

By | November 1, 2017


Fundraising takes time. Just how much time depends on your approach. Traditional fundraising methods, like applying for business loans or pitching to angel groups and venture capitalists, are still very effective ways to raise capital for your business if you have access to them, but the fact is most American entrepreneurs – including those who have completed their fundraising checklist – don’t. Even if you do, these methods can take upwards of six months to close and require a lot of legwork that’s just not necessary in today’s business world.

Over the past few years, equity and debt crowdfunding have become incredibly popular alternative fundraising methods that have injected billions of dollars into startups and small businesses, typically in a fraction of the time compared to traditional means. Why? Because crowdfunding platforms, like EquityNet, expose entrepreneurs to a vast number of potential investors and provide them with a central base for their fundraising needs. Simply put, entrepreneurs who leverage the power of crowdfunding platforms get to the funding finish line faster.



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