Company Overview
Blue Planet economically captures carbon and criteria pollutants through a proprietary mineralization process and converts them into high-value aggregates for use in roadways and green buildings.
Blue Planet provides a unique solution to the global carbon capture problem. The world produces over 15 gigatons of carbon dioxide from stationary-source flue gas emitters every year. Air pollution from burning fossil fuels kills over 1 million people per year and is the primary cause of climate change. With Blue Planet's patented solution every ton of carbon dioxide can be permanently captured to produce about 2 tons of calcium carbonate used in construction materials for roads and buildings. The world currently uses over 15 gigatons of concrete and mines over 20 gigatons of limestone per year.
The current method of carbon capture and storage is to inject waste CO2 underground, often into leaking depleted oil and gas reservoirs to enhance oil recovery. Blue Planet provides the only economically and environmentally sustainable solution to sequester carbon dioxide by converting it permanently into products with a large enough demand. As the Company’s patented systems remove 50-80% of the CO2 from traditional power plants, cement plants, refineries, or other manufacturing facilities, the CO2 is absorbed in solution to form bicarbonate which is used to precipitate carbonate minerals and permanently sequestered in green building materials that include cement, aggregate, concrete and solar reflective roofing and pavement coatings. Blue Planet has the potential to sequester carbon in the form of sand, gravel, reflective minerals, and cement, which are the key ingredients of concrete, roofing shingles, road beds, and many other products used globally at massive scales.
Blue Planet's technology not only reduces CO2 emissions from power plants, but by repurposing the CO2 into building materials, it also reduces CO2 emissions from the manufacture of building materials. As this technology is widely adopted, atmospheric CO2 emissions will be significantly curtailed while profitably producing a range of high-demand building products.