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Principia is a quantitative hedge fund manager that trades using proprietary strategies derived from a new theory of market dynamics developed by it's founder, Dr. Robert Morgan.Principia Ventures LLC was formed to commercialize a quantitative trading technology based on a novel theory of market dynamics developed by physicists Dr. Robert Morgan and Dr. Graham Allen. The theory is a ground-breaking statistical method that produces outstanding risk-adjusted rates of returns on invested capital. Principia anticipates earning significant fee income from managing hedge funds that utilize these novel trading strategies. Results from simulations have confirmed that this unique method to measure and analyze market behavior in real time is capable of generating extraordinary returns when trading equities and other securities. Principia has raised approximately $6M to develop the strategy and trading technology as well as over $4M in seed capital for its first fund, with significant commitments for capital once successful trading is demonstrated. Principia is seeking an additional $1M-$2M in capital to complete the development and testing of the technology before scaling the business.
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Principia Ventures LLC is a quantitative hedge fund management company. We've raised $6M to develop our strategy and trading technology as well as over $4M in seed capital for the fund with significant additional commitments for capital once successful trading is demonstrated. We are seeking an additional $1M-$2M in capital to complete the development and testing of the technology before we attempt to scale the business.
Dr M...... founded Principia after completing his post doctoral research in 2012 to commercialize a theory of market dynamics developed and tested in his spare time while completing his graduate research. The ideas underpinning the company were refined over a period of 10 years. This work was inspired by a perceived lack of scientific and mathematical rigor in economic and financial literature as well as the tumultuous events surrounding the dot com collapse and financial crisis. He believes that information is currency and our ability to accurately define, measure, and extract the information contained within the torrent of data being generated every day holds the key to the future of the financial services industry. He created Principia as a vehicle to realize this vision.Education: Post Doc UT Austin 2010-2012, PhD Physics UT Austin 2009, BS Physics Stanford Univ. 2001.
Jared cofounded Principia after graduating from law school and working at Latham Watkins. He witnessed firsthand the underbelly of the financial crisis as he participated in some of the bankruptcy litigation surrounding the collapse of Lehman Bros. Education: JD Harvard BS Political Science Stanford.
James P...... has over 25 years of Wall Street experience, starting at Bear Stearns. He later co-founded a proprietary equity trading department at Daiwa Securities. After ten years of consistent profitability at Daiwa, he co-founded Telemetry Investments, a quantitative hedge fund, serving as Chief Operating Officer. His broad experience includes trading, risk management, operations, and regulatory compliance. He received a B.A. in mathematical economics from Colgate University.
Greg P...... has been a principal in a variety of successful commercial real estate developments, with a concentration in mixed-use, office, retail, commercial land development, and hospitality. He also supports the Business Development effort for Principia Ventures, LLC.
Austin, TX 78701, US
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